

  1. God woke me up this morning for a purpose.
  2. I will take the time to appreciate quiet moments this morning.
  3. I am grateful for each breath God gives me.
  4. I know how to be still so I can hear from God.
  5. I can be confident in God’s power.
  6. God will give me the strength I need to do everything He wants me to do today.
  7. I will respect myself and others because we are all made in the image of God.
  8. God loves me with an everlasting love.
  9. I can have wisdom and guidance from God if I just ask.
  10. My identity is in Christ – not anyone or anything else.
  11. I am not too much for God to handle.
  12. I have confidence that I can do all things through Christ.
  13. I am accepted by God.
  14. Even if I mess up today, I can try again tomorrow.
  15. I am enough.


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