The Armor of God


Bible Verses About The Armor Of God

There is an enemy. He is against you. He plans to do anything in his power to mess with you and your life.

That’s why Paul tells us to stand firm, put on the Armor of God and PRAY!

The first step in knowing how praying on the armor of God works is by knowing what the Bible says about the Armor of God. Let’s read the following passage of scripture to know what the bible says about the armor of God.

The Armor of God
10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.
Ephesians 6:10-18 NIV

Paul says if you are going to defeat the enemy and persevere through hard times you need to be putting on the Full Armor of God daily. The whole book of Ephesians is a great read. Highly Recommend!

What Are The 7 Pieces Of The Armor Of God

What does the full armor of God represent? I’ve done some research and found several sites that explain the Armor of God and what each piece of the Armor of God does. Click on the website quoted after each piece of armor to further your study.

#1 Belt Of Truth – God’s truth. How can we defend ourselves against this world if we don’t wrap ourselves in God’s truth?

“The belt is where Roman soldiers stored their weapon – without a belt, they could not carry a weapon! So, why does Paul associate the belt of a soldier with truth? For Christians, God’s Word is truth, and it serves as our foundation.

2 Timothy 3:16 says, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.” If our beliefs are not rooted in God’s Word, we cannot expect to fight battles for Christ.

Just as a belt is worn close to the body, we should hold God’s truth close to us and allow it to surround us. When we remain in His Word, we can distinguish what is true from what is untrue.

With this being said, I encourage you to apply the concept of the belt of truth to your life and hold onto God’s truth. In the end, by remaining in His Word, you will be equipped for spiritual battles that may come your way.” –

#2 Breastplate Of Righteousness – “It shouldn’t surprise us that soldiers need to wear a breastplate going into a battle. This type of weaponry protects vital organs, secured by a belt. Depending on the time period in Rome, a soldier would wear a different type of breastplate. In earlier Roman times, it looked like metal, adhering to the shape of the soldier’s body. Later on, it looked more like chain mail and leather, with more flexibility and coverage than the earlier breastplates.

“As we wear Christ’s breastplate of righteousness, we begin to develop a purity of heart that translates into actions. Wearing this breastplate creates a lifestyle of putting into practice what we believe in our hearts. As our lives become conformed to the image of Christ (Romans 8:29), our choices become more righteous, and these godly choices also protect us from further temptation and deception (Proverbs 8:20; Psalm 23:3).” – gotquestions

#3 Feet Our Fitted With The Gospel Of Peace – “Roman soldier’s feet were fitted with sandals called caligae. These sandals were made to help protect soldier’s feet during their long marches into battle. They had extremely thick soles and wrapped perfectly around their ankles in a way that protected against blistering. Caligae also had spikes on the bottom to help them stand firm as they traveled. This helped them have a firm foundation. Believers also have a firm foundation in the Gospel. As believers, we have peace in knowing we are secure in what Jesus has done for us.” ConnectUS

#4 Shield Of Faith – “The shield does a lot more than take blows from arrows. The typical Roman shield could push back against the enemy and, when soldiers clumped together, could form a protective barrier (phalanx formation). 

How do we see this in terms of faith?

Faith can not only protect us from the blows of the devil. It can help us push back against him.

For instance, when Satan tempts Jesus, Jesus uses his knowledge of Scripture (evidence of God) as an act of faith and pushes against Satan’s taunts (Matthew 4:1-11). We can also see it played out in the defense of the Christian faith.

Second, we can extinguish arrows. Not only can faith handle the impact of them, but it can put out false truths. People may say, “God is not really good.” or “God is not all-powerful.” But with our shield of faith, we can extinguish right away any lies we encounter. 

Third, when we band with other Christians, in phalanx formation, it strengthens our faith. When we fellowship with believers and help each other through our doubts, we form a stronger barrier against the devil.” – CrossWalk

#5 Helmet Of Salvation – The helmet protects our mind. We can fully know the assurance of salvation we have because of Christ’s death for our sins. We are called to renew our minds by reading the Bible and praying. Bible reading and prayer also helps us against the enemies attacks.

“The fifth piece of God’s armor is represented by the Roman soldier’s helmet, without which he would never enter battle. Some of the helmets were made of thick leather covered with metal plates, and others were of heavy molded or beaten metal. They usually had cheek pieces to protect the face.

The purpose of the helmet, of course, was to protect the head from injury, particularly from the dangerous broadsword commonly used in the warfare of that day. That was not the much smaller sword mentioned later in this verse, but was a large two–handed, double–edged sword (rhomphaia, see Rev. 1:16; 2:12; 6:8) that measured three to four feet in length. It was often carried by cavalrymen, who would swing at the heads of enemy soldiers to split their skulls or decapitate them.-gracetoyou

#6 Sword Of The Spirit – “The sword is both an offensive and defensive weapon used by soldiers or warriors. In this case it is a weapon belonging to the Holy Spirit. Swords were used to protect oneself from harm or to attack the enemy to overcome or kill him. In both cases it was necessary for a soldier to get rigid training on the proper use of the sword to get maximum protection. All Christian soldiers need the same rigid training to know how to properly handle the Sword of the Spirit, “which is the word of God.” The sword that Paul refers to here is the Holy Scriptures.

The purpose of the sword of the Spirit—the Bible—is to make us strong and able to withstand the evil onslaughts of Satan, our enemy (Psalm 119:1133–4099–105). The Holy Spirit uses the power of the Word to save souls and then to give them spiritual strength to be mature soldiers for the Lord in fighting this corrupt and evil world we live in. The more we know and understand the Word of God, the more useful we will be in doing the will of God and the more effective we will be in standing against the enemy of our souls.” –gotquestions

#7 Prayer – At the end of the Armor of God passage in Ephesians 6, Paul adds we should pray always. How do we put on the armor of God? Prayer! “When we embody each part of the armor and remain connected to God through prayer, it can prepare us to fight every battle that comes our way. Without a praying life, we can NOT stand firm in our fight. Each day we are involved in a spiritual war whether or not we realize it, and in order to stand firm in our faith, we must suit up in God’s spiritual armor.” – resoundinghislove

How Do I Put On The Armor Of God

pieces of the armor of God

As a young adult I was taught that praying on the Armor of God was to pray on each piece of armor – literately, asking God to help me wear them and use them to get through the day. It’s really about living our lives as the bible calls us to. Living in God’s truth, guarding are hearts, repenting from sin, praying without ceasing, following God’s truth, etc.

Pursuitbible says this, “To put on the full armor of God is to apply all of the Gospel to all of your life. The whole armor is the expression of your full trust in God and what He has done for you through Jesus Christ. Your victory in spiritual warfare was secured at the cross of Christ and the blood that was shed there (Rev. 12:11).”

Here are some practical strategies to put on the full armor of God:

  1. Start the day in the Word and in prayer asking God for His help and strength throughout the day.
  2. Memorize Scripture to keep your sword sharp.
  3. Saturate yourself in the Bible: God’s Word is truth that fights against the father of lies.
  4. Analyze activities/thoughts in your life that increase your faith, and include those activities in your life whenever you can.
  5. Analyze activities/thoughts that harm your faith, and avoid them whenever you can.
  6. Read the rest of this list of 30 strategies by

How Do You Pray The Armor Of God

Are you looking for a prayer to help with praying on the armor of God? Let me confirm that there is a spiritual battle going on. Ephesians tell us this. The enemy is against you and plans hard to stir up challenges in your life to keep you distracted and deeply disheartened.

When your problem is unseen and spiritual, you need weapons that work in that realm. This is where the Armor of God, including prayer, is vital to the Christian life.

Praying on the Armor of God can be as simple as reading through Ephesians 6:10-18 and praying at the same time. Understand, as you pray, what each piece of the Armor of God is and what’s its purpose. Then do your best, with God’s help, to walk as the Bible calls us to.

Prayer For Armor Of God

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for giving me this spiritual Armor to help me fight and defend myself against the dark forces of this world. Forgive me where I fail and help me be strongly convicted of my sin, so that I may repent quickly. I pray on your belt of truth; help me to be disciplined in reading and studying Your Word so I may recognize truth from lies. I pray on your Breastplate of Righteousness; help me guard my heart and keep from sinning. Help me walk in integrity and truth; repenting from things that go against you. May my feet have on the shoes of the preparation of the Gospel of Peace. As I live and walk out this life, in the good and bad, give my spirit peace of your salvation and confidence that you are trustworthy – even in hard times. Help me clearly discern good and evil. I pray on the Shield of Faith; as I read the Bible and pray allow it to build up my faith and perseverance in You. Build up my faith and help me use it as a shield when the days are overwhelmingly painful. I put on the Helmet of Salvation; may I walk out today with the joy and assurance of the salvation you give me because of Christ’s death on the cross. My I always carry, practice using and understand how to use the Sword Of The Spirit; which is the word of God. Never let my bible remain closed and help me be drawn to your words so I may know and understand your will. How will I ever properly use the Sword of The Spirit if I’m not daily using it by reading it and praying? Help me make prayer and reading your word a daily top priority in my life. I pray, Lord, for you to create a hunger in me for studying your Word and spend time with you in prayer. With all this said, with Your help Lord, I stand suited in the Armor of God. May it protect me and enable me to overcome every spiritual battle I face today. I love you, Lord. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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